Will the feel of the mattress change over time?
Yes, but the change is gradual and typically goes unnoticed. Similar to a new pair of shoes, it will adjust the most during the first few months.

Is a firmer mattress better for you?
It can be, but this depends on your preference. For example, side sleepers may experience discomfort on a mattress that is too firm, due to increased pressure on the shoulders and hips. The key is not to confuse firmness with support. A mattress can be soft and supportive, and even firm mattresses eventually break down. If one firmness suited everyone, mattress shopping would be much simpler.
What mattress is best for a bad back?
The simple answer is that a supportive mattress is best! While we take back pain seriously, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. When choosing a mattress, prioritize support, and take your time in making the right selection.
How long should a mattress last?
A quality mattress wears down gradually, so you may not notice when it loses support. A good mattress can last 10+ years, but factors like body type, mattress size, and care can affect its lifespan. Even the best mattress needs regular rotation to avoid premature wear.
Can you flip today's mattresses?
You can, but most modern mattresses are designed for one-sided use. The underside is not meant for sleeping and only supports the upper layers. Don't be misled into thinking that two-sided mattresses are necessarily better.
What does the mattress warranty actually cover?
In short, a mattress warranty covers manufacturing defects and poor workmanship. It typically excludes normal wear and tear and comfort issues. For more details, consult the warranty card that comes with your mattress.
Do they not use box springs anymore?
Box springs are no longer used. Advances in mattress design and the introduction of one-sided mattresses have rendered them obsolete. Today, rigid foundations are used instead. Depending on your needs, you may prefer a foundation or an adjustable base.
Check out our Mattress Care page for more information!